☘️ Absences

In case you get to be absent or need to cancel your lesson/s, follow these steps:

Step 1: Contact the Admin staff immediately through Zoom/SMS/phone call, or Facebook Messenger

Step 2: Submit a day off request on the teacher’s page and to the admin in charge (Lisa)

3 working days prior, use the following format;


Step 3: Wait for Mr. David’s Approval

Ellie, HR Manager

WORKING HOURS: 07:00-16:00 PHT

CONTACT NUMBER: 0917-914-9036

Lisa, Assistant Manager

WORKING HOURS: 05:00-22:00 PHT

CONTACT NUMBER: 0915-295-1044

☘️ Unauthorized Absences

  1. Absences without prior notification or disapproved day-off requests will result in a penalty.
  2. For unexpected issues like power outages, internet disruptions, or technical difficulties, provide clear copies of valid documents or official receipts justifying the event. Failure to do so will result in a penalty.
  3. Any issues must be reported to the admin on duty within one minute of occurrence.
  4. Please notify EINE Support once you have returned.
  5. Clock in for your attendance in the Teachers' Attendance GC on Zoom at least 10 minutes before your class.
  6. The daily class evaluation for each student should be submitted within the same day, preferably as soon as possible.